Art business as Investment funds are in the market for quite some time, creating value addition for the sellers and the buyers of the art. But just like, Art Funds, on the similar lines can we think of an Artist funds, and start trading them on bourses as a trading commodites. Not necessarily an Artist be from a field of art, but he can be any human being from Films, Sports, Business, VC etc. Now if this Artist Funds exist, the next question is how this funds will have a value. As per my opinion, every Artist successful in its field has a brand image, this brand image brings him more work/business, more number of audiences etc.. Now as more work, audience, earning potential means more market or trading value of that Artist. I don't know how much this concept be viable based on the guidelines given by Capital markets regulators, but it certainly can be viable oppurtunity, to which one can give a serious thinking.
Mohit Kumar