It seems that I totally involved in finding sectors, events, people which are not affected by any kind of recession or depression in the economy. this is my third post in recent time which is related to recession. Today, I am targeting to different award ceremony. The question is why do we need different award ceremonies to honor the same set of films? Does not the pompous expenditure on these award ceremony a total wastage of money. When every govt., across the world, are looking for measure to curtail recession fear or take measures to revive the recessionary economy, these award ceremony clearly shows no recession, which is an irony in itself.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Is Sport recession proof?
When every Industry across are feeling the pinch of global recession, and asking government intervention to rescue them from the global recession. But among all these industries there is one industry or sector which is still posing high level growth and that sector is Sports. So can we say Sport is recession free?
There are many instances which clearly shows that this sector experiencing huge growth, one such instance is the Friday IPL auction. Apart from glamor showcasing , IPL did invite huge money from the team owners. The highest bid was gone for English Captain Kevin Peterson and Andrew Flintoff. Both, English players went for 1.55Mn$(app.. Rs 7.5 Crorers).
When Royal Challenger owner, Vijay Malaya, was questioned about the price money which he paid for English Captain. He clearly mentioned that inclusion of Kevin really help to build his team brand equity.
IPL is one such instance where Indian corporates shown their prowess and money power to buy a player, other instance are the England league matches, Grand Slam titles NFL matches etc.
These matches generally observe huge audience and over above some matches do demand black tickets by the audience. Such behavior clearly shows that really Sport is recession free?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Impact of Recession on World Wealthy..
Today ITV1, an English channel, was showcasing a show on life at Monaco.On the show, the anchor Piers Morgan, interviewed number of people, in one of the interview the anchor posted a question to , he asked that how would have recession change the life style of Wealthiest ? When I heard this question I was really amused by the question, from my opinion the recession or no recession the wealthiest of wealthy hardly change their life style, they buy all kind of luxury goods, spent their vacations in the grandeur of places. Because these people have enough money which can last for ages, so by spending their money, they really make the better utilization of their stupendous money.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Check your Carbon Footprint

People usually buy things by looking at the good quality and whether the good is economical or not. But, now they have to focus on other aspect also, how eco friendly that good is, and if its an e-good then how will that good be disposed and recycled.
Recent study of Greeenpeace, an environment NGO, shows that most of the companies failed miserably when it comes for e-disposal management. These multinational companies are still usuing hazardous chemicals in manufacturing their goods, which are really difficult to dispose after it expired.
Most of these e-waste is routed to third world countries like India etc. where these good are recycled with poorest of technologies which led to high level of pollution and land fills.
Though some companies do have started e-waste handling campaign but it is still negligible compared to consumption and disposal.
Some figures from Greenpeace :
1 NOKIA: Creative take-back scheme
2 SONY ERICSSON: New environmental warranty
3 TOSHIBA: Reporting use of renewable energy
4 SAMSUNG: Good on toxic chem, poor recycling
5 FUJITSU SIEMENS: Good on energy, poor e-waste
6 LG – Improved score on recycling & energy
7 MOTOROLA: Improved on energy & recycling
8 SONY: Has room for improvement on energy
9 PANASONIC: Good energy, poor e-waste criteria
10 SHARP: Reporting of energy efficiency of products weak
11 ACER – To improve on cutting toxicity & recycling
12 DELL – Loses on withdrawing from its commitment to eliminate PVC plastic & BFRs by ‘09 end
13 HP: Still needs to improve on e-waste
14 APPLE: Now reporting product carbon footprint , new iPods are free of PVC and BFRs
15 PHILIPS: Scores well on toxics and energy but scores zero on other e-waste criteria
16 LENOVO: Scores well on toxic chemicals, poor on recycling & energy
17 MICROSOFT: Poor score on recycling & energy 18
NINTENDO: Zero on most criteria except chemicals mgmt & energy
Source: Greenpeace
So before you think of buying a good, apart from economical viability, do check the Carbon Footprint.
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