Germany one of the europe superpower both in terms of economic and defence, is now up for a change, the change which its always shown relcutant to, but the change which is now necessary to compete against the emerging economies and to stabilize it economic power status.
Germany is always a bellweather in innovation and always a leader filing scientific patents on year on year basis. A good proportion of its economic
GDP is spent on
research and development centres spread across the country.
But inspite of all these, the change is there to come, and the first and foremost change is the change on the whole eductional system across the country. Germany always followed a long range bound educational system, with 5 years of diploma studies. But its now following the US and UK based educational system, thus breaking its educational system into 3years and 2 years respectively, which actually enables the deployment of educated workforce at very young age.
Besides, its renowned universties which never participate in any kind of rankings are now acitvely participating in the ranking, thus enabling a large pool of international talent pool to look out germany as one of their favourable education option.
Lets see how this change will affect the Germany overall stature in the years to come.
Thanks & Regards,