Monday, October 27, 2008

Recession in US markets

With the markets throughout the world are moving downwards, and chief of all states are coming together and somehow with cold words stating that their economy is in recession. I was just googling around and found the list of some of the major recessions which had takne place in the recent past.

Recession definition : (
Source Bnet)

a stage of the business cycle in which the economic activty is in slow decline. Recessions usually follows a boom, and precedes a depression.It is characteriszed by rising unemployment and falling levels of output and investment.

Here find the list :

1. Post World War Recession [3 Years]

2. 1929 Great Depression [10 Years]

3. Recession of 1953 [1 Year]

4. Recession of 1957 [1 Year]

5. 1973 Oil Crisis [2 Years]

6. Early 1980'2 recession [2 years]

7.Early 1990's recession [1 Year]

8. Early 2000's recession [2 Years]


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