G20 meeting is round the corner, but this year the G20 meeting would be quite different, as this time world's biggest 20 economies, meet in London to discuss about how to revive Global economy from the crisis.
Apart from financial revival, the World leaders of G2o countries may also discuss about pumping more money into their economy, so that they can revive consumer demand, and to suppress the rise in unemployment rate.
But the question on pumping new money into the global economy, has two different point of views, as US administration is keen into pumping more money into the global economy and to buy out bank's toxic assets, while on the other hands EU nations are reluctant to lend any helping hands to these banks.
What ever be the differences between the EU and US, but certainly, this times, they have to vibe off their differences, and come up with really strong solutions to revive the worldwide economy and to rejuvenate the employment level in the region.