Sunday, May 31, 2009

Recession proof industries

Year 2008 is one of the hardest year, it saw one of the biggest fall in the baking and financial industry, and also the biggest failure of Capital markets worldwide. This is the year when global economy felt its biggest recession, which it hadn't seen in decades.

But when the world is grieving under global recession, I want to list down few industry which are purely recession free.

1. Sex Industry : When people lose their jobs, they are more stressful, and sex its always a stress buster. Thus, sex industry is certainly is recession free.

2. Liquor Industry. Just like, Sex industry , Liquor generally helps people to forget their stress for a time being. So, this industry is also recession proof.

3. Pharma Industry : People are more depressed, so they are either ill or they have to take anti depressant drugs. So, during recession pharma industry certainly boom.

4. Media Industry : Media industry certainly have more news during recession time. They have to cover up govt. policies, they have to take interview of Corporate CEO and also of the deprieved layoff workers. Thus, certainly have more work during recession.

5. Govt. Financial Ministry : Offcourse, how can financial industry can be recession, as they during this time, they have an upheaval task to improve financial system and to bring stability in the market.


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